Newchurch Village Community Association Constitution
(November 2012 Version)
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- 5. Committee and Officers (continued)
- Pubicity Officer – who shall maintain the website (once set up), organise the press for events and activities, and be the main point of contact for press/pubicity events. (possibly have a separate webmaster – not necessarily an officer)
- Special Project Officers – to be appointed by the Committee as required (and agreed) when projects and situations arise.
- 6. Meetings
- 6.1 Annual General Meetings
- To be held once a year, not less than 9 months and no more than 15 months apart.
- At the AGM, annual reports will be presented, a report given of the work undertaken in the previous year, plans will be proposed and agreed for the coming year and any changes to the constitution will be made.
- Notification to members shall be via email first, via post (if members have stated a preference for this method) and in local church notices.
- Three weeks (21 days) notice will be given before AGM meetings
- At the start of the meeting, determine if there is any other business that should be discussed at the end of the meeting.
- Notification to members shall be via email first, via post (if members have stated a preference for this method) and in local church notices.
- Three weeks (21 days) notice will be given before AGM meetings
- At the start of the meeting, determine if there is any other business that should be discussed at the end of the meeting.
- Officers will be elected every year. After serving three consective years in a particular post officers are encouraged to give way for someone else to serve in that post, if no one is proposed the officer, if re-elected, will continue in that post.
- When positions are due for re-election and the three year service is reached this be will be stated in the agenda and during the meeting members can indicate if they would ike to be considered for any of these posts.
- Only full members can vote or stand for the committee.
- Voting for officers and committee members will be via a paper ballot at the AGM. All other votes will be by a show of hands.
- 6.2 Extraordinary General Meetings
- Notification to members shall be via email first, via post (if members have stated a preference for this method) and in local church notices.
- Two weeks (14 days) notice to be given (unless for changes to the constitution then 3 weeks 21 days is notice required).
- 6.3 General Meetings
- Meetings will be held not less than each quarter (with the AGM counting towards this quota).
- Generals Meetings will be called by the committee.
- 6.4 Quorums
- The quorums for all the above meetings is 5 full members. If membership is less than 5 members then quorum is 60% but there must be 2 members present.
- 6.5 Committee meetings
- Committee meetings will occur ad hoc and the quorum is 2 committee members.
- 7. Rules of Procedure
- The meeting will be chaired by the Chair or Deputy Chair. If both are absent, the Committee shall elect a chair from within the Committee.
- Voting for officers and committee members will be via a paper ballot at the AGM. All other votes and decisions at meetings will be by a show of hands. . The Chair will
not vote unless a vote ends in a tie. In this case, the Chair’s vote will be the deciding vote.
- Agendas will be distributed and followed for each meeting. The Chair will ensure this process is followed.
- Members must be respectful to each other and respect the authority of the chair.