Press Release
Civic Pride Litter Pick - 4th March 2017
The Valley’s Great British Spring Clean event saw volunteers come out to help clean up their local community.
Over 250 bags of litter were collected up in one weekend for the council to remove, following on from community clean-up events across the Valley.
Rossendale council’s chief executive Stuart Sugarman and head of operations Paul McHenry joined Coun Christine Lamb, executive member for operations, and Civic Pride members for litter collecting in Newchurch on Friday.
Stuart said: “Cleaning up litter is so costly to the council and so much of it can easily be prevented by people taking it home or putting it in bins.
"We live in a very scenic area and it shouldn’t get spoilt by litter. We owe volunteers like this a huge amount of thanks for their continued support all year round.”
Coun Lamb said: “It is great to see so many people out and about over the weekend doing their bit.
"We are very lucky to have a strong volunteer base and we appreciate the work they do.”
In a statement, Rossendale council said: “The council is very thankful to all local volunteer groups up and down the borough, like Civic Pride, who work tirelessly in giving their time to litter picking, planting and raising the profile of Rossendale and a clean and green place.”
Roger Grimshaw, from Civic Pride, said: “This weekend was testament, yet again, to the sheer enthusiasm and hard work of willing volunteers across the Valley.
"Pride groups alone collected an amazing 259 bags plus other larger pieces of detritus. Our congratulations to all who were involved.”