Minutes from NVCA meeting
Held at Boars Head, Newchurch
7.30pm 8th March 2018

•  1 Apologies

Sam Gildert, Stephen Cudworth, Danny Allen, Geoff and Sue Heaton, Paddy Marriott

•  2 Matters Arising from last meeting

Dark Lane – still in a state. SC heard from Alyson Barnes recently to say the landowner was aware of the situation and was looking at it. But we think the snow might have affected their progress so they might need another push. Find out what is happening with the site too. Need an update from RBC/Councillors. SC to email

St Nicholas’ Church – interesting stakeholder session held in January and most of the comments related to promoting the church itself and making it more appealing to visitors and passers by and to improvements to the churchyard. Next step is to submit a project enquiry form to Heritage Lottery Fund

Rossendale Community Support Network – Penny and Simone said as a community association, we wouldn’t be able to do a foodbank due to lack of facilities and staff. But we have a noticeboard and supportive community with links to churches, schools etc so maybe we would be better to promote existing activities that could help the community such as ‘Messy Church’
St Nicks currently collect for RAFT and they are happy to continue to support this.
Potential to have a cupboard of provisions to sensitively support members of their community as required.
Churches and school can also signpost people to relevant organisations such as CAB, RAFT etc.

Membership – 18 associate and 26 full members who have paid this year. 27 people who were members last year who haven’t paid for this year. SC to send an email reminder to those who haven’t paid. Also SC will take forms to school. All current members to try and persuade more people to sign up.

Dementia Friendly – Shirley to ask Brian Topping if he can come and give a talk about it on Tuesday May 1st. Want to start something monthly on a Tuesday night such as First Aid. Shirley to confirm.

Civic Pride – had planned a clean up last week but it snowed heavily! They cancelled it and are hoping to carry it out on 23-25th March but don’t know what day. Waiting for them to confirm. Ideally, they will need support from NVCA, the schools etc because it’s in a really bad state. SC to share the date as soon as it is known.

Newchurch Singing group – Thursday morning at the Methodist Church from 10am (starting with a brew). Cost £4 per session. Trial for now to see how it works. SC to share the poster and RG to tweet and Instagram it.

•  3 New Kirk Fair Update

A date had been set for 8th September to coincide with the Heritage Open Weekend. Methodist Church has been provisionally booked if the weather is bad.
SC suggested we open it up to other local groups too which will help all the groups out and also increase visitor numbers. But it is hard to plan where stalls will go if we don’t know numbers or where we will be because of the weather.

Suggested we have a picnic during the summer in the community garden instead of New Kirk Fair. Make a call a couple of weeks in advance with the long range forecast and spread the word.

•  4 Community Garden Update

£80 still left to spend from the original grant. Check in spring what is growing and what isn’t so we know what to replace.

Donated seat – Janet has volunteered Brian to repair this and install it.

Stone – this year’s project will be to try and get a carved stone on the village green. RG to approach highways re consent and try to get a cost estimate together too.
Wording “Newchurch-in-Rossendale”. RG to chase this.

Shirley suggested we could ask for donations for seats in the garden in memory of loved ones. Put something on Facebook and our website to get feedback and interest. There is space for 2 seats in the garden. RG to ask the council for consent and for a preference of seats.
To look into Neighbourhood Forum grants and Local Member Grants in the new financial year.
RG to send link to RBC’s preferred seat supplier (Kingfisher Direct) to SC. RG to find out what make the ones are at Whitaker Park – recycled plastic so won’t rot or decay. And ask RBC if they can purchase it and save VAT.
Put a call out for donations for plaques. Eg pay £100 each or £50 towards the cost of a bench and you can get a plaque on the seat too. Agreed that we will pay for these otherwise out of the NVCA own funds.

•  5 Staghills Play Area

SC approached RBC (Keith Jenkins) to ask where the official paperwork is up to. Hadn’t heard anything as of tonight.

RG and SC to meet up to agree a plan of action with regards to next steps.

RG mentioned that Proffitts would be keen to be involved and at a discount rate as well as having 50% of our fees paid already from a grant from LCC.

•  6 Planning - See above under Dark Lane

•  7 AOB

Irwell Tapestry

SC to chase artist Ruth Evans with regards to holding workshops in Newchurch. WI meet at the Methodist Church already and we can promote it as a group via noticeboard and social media.

Kindness Tree

March 16th 9.30 – 1.30 training session with regards to community/time credits scheme (the one with the Kindness Tree). Simone to attend and see what it involves.


RG to dig out windfarm fund details and forward to Shirley re funding for local events/churches.

New Kirk Fair

Julia to ask Margaret about the possibility of putting on food after New Kirk Fair (potato pie or something) so everyone has something to eat after the event and so that the event is really inclusive.

NVCA Bank account

Iain requested consent to change NVCA bank account from HSCB to TSB as they are still based in the valley.

Armistice Day

Looking for bell ringer volunteers to do a 3 hour peal to celebrate 100 year anniversary. But they don’t have enough volunteers. IB to forward leaflets for the noticeboard and social media

Storm Emma

IB offered his thanks to the whole community for pulling together during the tough times and helping neighbours.


RG to add Mark Schofield to the mailing list (Margaret to find out his details). RG to put minutes through his letterbox. Keen to be involved which is great. IB has also passed some other details for RG to add to the mailing list.

•  8 Next Meetings

Thursday 12th April 2018