Minutes from NVCA meeting
Held at Boars Head, Newchurch
12th February 2013

• 1 Apologies

Rachel and Alex Hadj, Sam Gildert, Stephen Cudworth, Cllr Crawforth, Jo Oliver and Simon Ward.

• 2 Newkirk Fair Update – Iain Blair

It was agreed that as time was running short and some groups (Coconutters, Ross Dance and Drama) aren’t available on 18th May that the event should be postponed until May 2014.

We will have a Garden Party/Summer Fete instead this year but something simple that will be easier to organise. Presume that those who volunteered to assist with the Kirk Fair will be able to help out with the Garden Party.

Agreed Dates:

Garden Party – Saturday 13th July 2013
New Kirk Fair – Saturday 10th May 2014

• 3 Newchurch Noticeboard

• Geoff Heaton has created and installed an oak noticeboard to the garden area on Church Street.
• Keys have been given to Simone and Rachael. Other keys will be given to Natalie at Gemini and a set left at the Boars Head. It was decided many months ago that the board would only be used to advertise ‘community’ focussed events, not just businesses or services. Anything deemed to be irrelevant or that looks scruffy will be removed.
• Geoff made the point that inkjet printed posters are likely to run so they are best laminated.
• We will arrange a press photo and write up to send to the Free Press and Telegraph.
• RM to print and laminate flyer re planning and also the NVCA web address to keep in the noticeboard permanently.
• Iain to add details on website of key holders

• 4 Garden Update

• We were successful with a grant application to the Northern England Horticultural Society for £200 as well as additional funds from LCC Member Grants via Cllr Winder.
• We will arrange a day in Spring to have a community planting event where everyone can come and get involved.

• 5 AOB

• Some discussion about changes to the bus service. The service is not run by Rossendale Transport but Holmeswood Buses for 6 months before it will go back out to tender. They are running numbers 63A and 63C. Apparently the option put forward by Rossendale Transport was not accepted (for buses 64 and 65 to run over the top not Bacup Road) and Holmeswood won the tender instead.
• There have been issues with changes to the concessions that are available too which has affected the viability of the service as Rossendale Transport are running at a loss.
• Cllr Winder said any changes would have to be consulted on with local residents.
• Cllr Marriott said he would keep the group updated on changes and would ask the MD to update us at the next meeting Finance
• Iain passed around the draft accounts for the first year of NVCA and totals to date for 2013. Agreed that 2011-12 figures are OK so Iain will proceed and get them audited.
• So far Iain has received 24 membership fees for members and last year we had 36 so can people please fill in their forms and pay in their fees?
• Rev Sue is leaving St Nicholas’s Church on 24th February and retiring. She will be missed not only by the congregation but by the Village generally. Her enthusiasm and support of the community association has been invaluable.

• 6 AOB – Planning Update

• Application reference 2013/0019 has been submitted by Crystal Holdings for 6 houses on the Boars Head car park and bowling green
• Most of the residents received letters of notification on 9th February dated from 8th February. However, the site notices haven’t gone up yet which means the 21 days for getting complaints in will be slightly extended.
• RM to make key points that are relevant to the application and circulate to the group like last time.
• RM to make flyers that a few of us will print off at home and post through letter boxes asking for people to support the Community Association.
• Simone, Rachael and Julia B have volunteered to help with the leafleting – any more volunteers? Just let Rachael and Simone know.
• Simone and Stephen to speak to residents of Brandwood re writing letters against the application again.
• Rachael to contact actual owner of Brandwood and make them aware of the salient points about the application relevant to them
• RM to also contact Kathy Fishwick of the Civic Trust to let her know NVCA will be objecting to the application and could Civic Trust get involved?
• CAMRA have someone who gives advice for issues related to pubs and they might be able to help. Simone to contact them
• Iain has already contacted Sport England (who have actually been contacted by the Council regarding this application)
• It was felt amongst the group that although the application is for Full Planning Permission the information is either misleading or there is insufficient information for the application to be determined accurately.
• Geoff pointed out that the retaining wall alongside the Brandwood boundary is unlikely to take the weight of the houses and cars.
• Also part of the land is still in private ownership, not belonging to Crystal Holdings which is an issue not easily overcome.
• Last time we got 109 objections. The aim is to get at least this again, preferably more.

• 7 Dates of Next Meetings

• Wednesday 27th February 2013 7.30pm for group update on planning situation.
• Tuesday 11th June for regular NVCA meeting at 7.30
• Saturday 13th July 2013 Garden Party (times to be agreed)